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Princess Pool Party Floats
Teen Titans Superhero Creator
Powerpuff Girls Glitch Fixers
The Powerpuff Girls
Bonnie Monster High Halloween
April Fools Face Exchange
It is April Fools Day and it is the perfect opportunity for some awesome pranks. How about some amazing celebrity face exchange? Just choose your favorite celebrity couple between Damon and Elena from Vampire’s Diary, Edward and Bella from Twilight, Ed and Blake or Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. Then you can personalize their faces as much as you want. Start with the color of their eyebrows and eyes. The guys can get a very cool beard and all other kinds of facial hair and awesome new clothes, while for the girls you can add make up, clothes and beautiful accessories. You can put them in a new place around the world and they will look like completely different people. A good training for hiding from the annoying paparazzi, wouldn’t you say? Enjoy!