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Twilight Sparkle Surprise Dance Party
Twilight Sparkle
School Style Dress Up
Princess Urban Outfitters Autumn
EDC Vegas Hairstyles
Ella Tooth Injury
Poor Elsa was playing so much in the snow that she hasn't noticed her teeth had been going bad for some time. Now she has to come to you, her trustful dentist, so you can fix her denture. Before you start you should rinse her mouth with some water which you can remove with a suction pump. Use a probe and remove the superficial cavities, which are not hurting her yet, but they have the potential to become worse. Then use a drill to fix the big ones. Use a polish to remove any remains from these cavities and then proceed to clean the tartar at the basis of the teeth. Use a tooth brush and tooth paste to make the yellow teeth white again and a pair of pliers to remove all the bad teeth that cannot be saved. You can replace them with new healthy ones. In the end you can apply a pretty precious jewel on a tooth to make her denture more special. Have an incredible time playing this exciting game!