What are spaccatelle you ask? They are a delicious type of pasta! And you can use them in this delicious new recipe! It's super easy and delicious, so just try it out! In a bowl mix some chopped pork, ginger, black sauce, Espagnole sauce, barley sauce and corn flour. Put a pot on the stove and heat some oil in it, then cook the pork in it. Take the pork out, put more oil in and add onions, red pepper, garlic, ruccola and sprouts. Cook them too and then add them on top of the pork. Finally cook the spaccatelle in a new round of oil and add eggs, spicy powder, brown sugar, salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients together and then serve them in a bowl with coriander sprinkled on top. It looks so tasty, don't you think? Have an incredible time playing this game!
Published: May 15, 2017